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» Threshecutioners
Register EmptyTue Oct 20, 2015 9:20 pm by The Renegade

» Worldbuilding - Template and Ideas
Register EmptyTue Oct 20, 2015 3:12 pm by Emperor Eridan Ampora

» Welcome Back to Price of Benevolence!!
Register EmptyTue Oct 20, 2015 11:25 am by Emperor Eridan Ampora

» State of the Government
Register EmptyFri Oct 16, 2015 12:52 pm by Emperor Eridan Ampora

» The Story So Far
Register EmptyThu Oct 15, 2015 4:52 pm by Emperor Eridan Ampora


Tue Oct 20, 2015 9:20 pm by The Renegade

A fair amount of the threshecutioner system has more or less carried over from the Condesce’s reign, but Karkat has made many changes, largely involving morality and fairness.

Basic System:
25 squadrons of 20 threshecutioners; squadrons are numbered (squad one is the High Threshecutioner’s squad and the highest level of capability and trustworthiness, though there isn't much of a difference …

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Worldbuilding - Template and Ideas

Tue Oct 20, 2015 3:12 pm by Emperor Eridan Ampora

I want to open worldbulding to other people as well, because this is a world we're creating together, right?

Feel free to post a topic here! I'll probably write on about Orphaners. You can write one about anything, really, but you can especially take liberty with things related to your character. (Ex. karkat and threschecutioners, Kanaya and the caverns, Terezi and the justice system)

If you …

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State of the Government

Fri Oct 16, 2015 12:52 pm by Emperor Eridan Ampora

This post will change constantly, along with the state of the empire, and will be updated periodically with information.

Alternia is still an empire, spreading out across the stars, far from the homeworld. The seat of power is on the planet itself, a half land-half underwater palace. Feferi made alterations to the imperial system upon her ascension, which have survived so far. 
The main change …

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The Story So Far

Thu Oct 15, 2015 4:52 pm by Emperor Eridan Ampora

Price of Benevolence is an AU based upon the concept that the twelve Alternian trolls never play SGRUB. This is what happens next.

The trolls grow up on violent Alternia, all still nurturing their own dreams and ambitions. When they are nearing ten, Feferi leads her group of friends in a rebellion against the Condesce. In a duel against her, Feferi comes out victorious. She is crowned the new …

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